Contact Us

For General Information about the Women’s Cancer Support Group on the Gold Coast  use the form below and submit.

Private Facebook Groups

To join our  Private Facebook Group, or our NEW Family and Friends
Click on the links below, answer a few questions on Facebook and submit.   

Get in Touch with Us

Join our Private
Facebook Group

Click the button below to go to our  WCS Private Facebook Page.
Answer a few simple questions that will  help our group admins
review your request to join the Private Group.

Join our Family & Friends Facebook Group

We have now formed a Facebook GROUP for FAMILY and FRIENDS of members. Your Family or Friend MUST be a member of our PRIVATE GROUP to join

 Special Feedback Form

WCS-GC  would love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, concerns or problems with anything so we can improve . This feedback form will be received and ‘handled’ by an independent person not associated with the Admin or Moderators of the Support Group.